I was going to write a really fun and short blog about the most shocking thing I saw today and the biggest blessing today. I was gonna chalk up the most shocking thing to watching boys cut grass with a machette, and I was still thinking about the blessing when something happened that blew all that out of the water.
Mom, if you're reading this before I've called you, don't panic. I am fine. Now here's the story. We were driving back from El Sembrador, the farm school, to Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. The farm school was a really neat place by the way. I couldn't help but think it's something Grandpa would approve of. They teach the boys how to be farmers, and they have cattle operations, pig operations, planting, a dam that provides electricity for the school during the rainy season. Everything they helps pay for the school so it's self-supporting. They also provide an education to a some 100 boys that have had no opportunity for education. It was a really neat ministry.
But back to the story. We left El Sembrador and were headed to Teguc. It was around 4:30 pm, and we were on really bumpy, windy roads. We came upon a bus that was backing up, and we couldn't figure out why, so we simply drove around it. The rest happened kind of fast. Debbie was yelling, "Gun David! Gun!" Then David was yelling, "Everyone get down!" There were three gun shots, and I felt two of them hit my side of the truck. After we had sped by, we made sure everyone was alright, and praise God we were. It was two guys in black masks that had been shooting at us, and we believe they had intended to pull over the bus and rob them because that's been happening a lot in Honduras. When we passed by though, they tried to shoot out our tires. One of the bullets was awfully close to the tire. The bullet hole is right in the hinge of the driver door, so praise God it didn't go through and hit David's leg or hit anything important in the truck under the hood. We definitely felt like we had a guardian angel.
Everyone was a little shaken, but I couldn't help but ponder on the reasoning for it all. We almost didn't leave for Teguc today. We almost left tomorrow, and then we would have avoided the whole situation. But after we got past the shooting, David proceeded to stop all the cars we passed and warn them not to continue on, two of which were school buses. I couldn't help but wonder if God was using him to save those people. It's hard to know what God's plans are, but I know he was looking over us today, and He is every day. His sovereignty and providence are something I've been daily experiencing here in El Salvador, and one thing is clear: My God is always with me, and He guides me and protects me. He has plans for me, and I will follow Him.
"Lord I give up all my own plans and purposes, all my own desires and hopes, and accept Thy will for my life. I give myself, my life, my all utterly to Thee to be Thine forever. Fill me and seal me with Thy Holy Spirit. Use me as Thou wilt, send me where Thou wilt, work out Thy whole will in my life at any cost, now and forever."
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